
xmas card for stan

my brother is in the hospital right now. according to the doctor, he caught some virus. he's okay now, but will have to stay in the hospital for a week. what a disappointing way to spend the winter vacation...

our family doesn't really celebrate christmas. but i thought i should still make him a card, especially since i haven't visited him at all (yet) at the hospital.

i had bought some felt for a previous project. i cut out a few pieces, and quickly stitched together something resembling a gift, and tacked it onto a quarter-folded computer paper, just to mimic a card.

front cover:

detail on the 'gift'. notice the poor stitching...


petal notebook

while procrastinating from studying for final exams, i made another book.

it is quarter-page in size, with 128 blank pages. the covers were made with cardboard and scrapbooking papers. the textblock was made with blank computer paper. i found some fuschia thread in the sewing box, and coptic-stitched the spine.

i already have too many blank notebooks. i think i'll give this one away as part of a gift.

after i finish my pack of scrapbooking paper, i should learn to make my own paper. it would be interesting.